Some days you just know that you need that extra boost of energy to rise up to challenges that you have to overcome. Well for those days, there is a perfect energy-boost diet whereby you get lots of energy from a well-balanced set of meals with some exercise and rest to go with it. The following meals give you a boost of energy packed with nutrients for strength, extra reserves, and lots of vitality.

For a power breakfast, you can go for quail eggs that strengthens the body and re-invigorates your cells with a boost of energy since it is a rich-source of protein, easily metabolized and digested, with iron, potassium, B vitamins, and it is also awfully tasty with some arugula, diced cucumbers, and chopped tomatoes giving you lots of antioxidants and vitamin C. Add some parsley (full of vitamins A, C, and K), black pepper for taste, on a rye bread and you got yourself a boost of energy for breakfast – ready to go all the way to lunch.
So the meetings all day has left you a little tired or even exhausted? Try a vitality lunch with a punch. Red bell peppers in teaspoon of olive oil garnished with asparagus, broccoli, carrots, and chives and finished on top with some shrimp. Asparagus has energy-promoting nutrients, either stir-fried or steamed, brings out flavor and taste when blended with carrots and broccoli (steams ideally). Broccoli is perfect for detoxification, and carrots are a reserve boosting vegetable that is also a great source of beta-carotene. This is an amazing lunch that has a combination of protein-rich shrimp and cleansing vegetables that can be complemented with anti-inflammatory ginger, very tasty and yet a revitalizing feast.
For a energy-sustaining healthy weight controlled dinner, try high energy food like squab (full of vitamin B for energy) with chili (stimulation your taste buds while boosting energy levels), sliced raw onions which are nourishing source of phytonutrients to boost healthy appetite, and carrots for beta-carotene. For topping, try shiitake mushrooms that boost energy and cleanse with a sprinkle of goji berries on top as a superfood packed with a punch and essential nutrients.

Desert has to be an energy boost while healthy and nutritious (or as much as possible). Try a scoop of banana ice cream with cranberries and pistachio nuts. You can have your ice cream without any cream in case you are dairy intolerant or allergic to cow milk.